Customer Relationship Management

Get More Leads. Build Relationships. Win More Business.

Customer Reviews

Get More Reviews. Get Found Online. Win More Business.

Win More Business

Get 5 Star Reviews

Use the CRM to offer 5 star Customer Service to your Leads and Clients and generate 5 Star Google Reviews for your Business to generate more Business

Turn customer relationship into your competitive edge

Acquire New Leads, manage them and convert them to clients. All from one dashboard.

Better Follow Up

Track each conversation with clients with ease

Easily track and follow up with clients to ensure seamless communication with clients. If an employee leaves, you don't lose the lead or the client, since all client communication is there in your platform

Generate Leads from Directories and SM

Generating Leads from Social Media and Directories like Justdial, Indiamart and Yelp and update them in your Bizyogi CRM, to ensure no lead slips through the cracks


Monitor all your client activity in one place

Access all your customer reviews, for every location, from every source, in one dashboard.

Customer Experience Done Right

A Flexible Solution With

Lots of Advantages

Bizyogi is the most comprehensive platform for customer experience that offers a range of products that scale with your business.

Join us to help you Grow your Business as your Growth Partner

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

Explore a better way to grow

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